Clean Pirate Romance
May 30, 2016

Genre: Pirate Romance You’ll like this if you like: Inner Turmoil, Conflict between Hero and Heroine, Feisty Heroines, Darkly Handsome Heroes, or a Lovely Romance. Cleanliness: They kiss (surprise, surprise). There’s a point in the end of the story, where the men believe the heroine, Jessamine, is a harlot, so they try to force her…

Sliver of a white crescent moon
May 27, 2016

Read the writing prompt rules OR Participate in more writing prompts! Write the next part of the story, using the prompt. Writing Prompt: If you can’t wake up from a nightmare, then maybe you’re not asleep.

fire work star burst
May 25, 2016

“And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:12 Lately—and I’m ashamed to admit this—I’ve been struggling jealousy. It’s hard for me to appreciate someone else’s beauty or talent instead of wishing I could have it all to myself. Something that brought this to my attention was…

Finding Contentment in a Culture of Comparison
May 23, 2016

Genre: Self-Help You’ll like this if you like: Contentment, Not Struggling with Comparison, Being Happy for the Successes of Others, Selflessness, Improving Yourself, and Success.   This book is about finding contentment in a culture of comparison.   First of all, the cover is amazing, but it’s the content behind the cover that will change…

Old, worn book with red pages and sunlight
May 20, 2016

Which of the following is your favorite classic author? And what’s your all-time favorite classic author? Which of the following is your favorite classic author?

Stacks of books with an open book reading
May 18, 2016

While writing my current manuscript, I came across a problem: Should I use chapter titles or simply number them? A quick search through my bookshelf revealed that many of my books were simply numbered. I personally liked chapter titles, but if so many books excluded them, were chapter titles really worth the extra effort? Today,…

Clean Historical Romance
May 16, 2016

Genre: Clean Historical Romance You’ll like this if you like: (Awesome) Romance, Historical, Medieval, Gruff, yet Lovable Heroes, or a Feisty, yet Feminine Heroine. Cleanliness: Tamara Leigh is a Christian author, so this book is clean, though it does have some excellent scenes where the tension is high between the hero and heroine (yay!) and…

You don't need a weapon. You were born one. Purple background.
May 13, 2016

Read the writing prompt rules OR Participate in more writing prompts!   Write the next part of the story. Writing Prompt: You don’t need a weapon. You were born one.

Identity and finding who you are black and white fingerprint
May 11, 2016

Here’s an exercise: Think of someone, anyone. More than likely, you recalled an image of them in your mind. Though the first thing we recall is a visual, that’s not who they are. You can’t glance someone and know them, because they’re so much more than what’s on the surface. I loved how Charlotte Brontë…

May 9, 2016

Genre and Audience: Pirate Romance for NA (New Adult) You’ll like this if you like: Adventure on the High Seas, Time Travel, Bad Boy Turns into Protective Hero, and Themes of Hope. Cleanliness: A few really well-written kisses. At one point, Rowan offers to have Morgan as his mistress, but she refuses of course. Hero…