Quill Pen Ink
June 30, 2017

If you wrote an autobiography, what would you title it? Here are a few ideas I’ve brainstormed for my own over the past year: The Pursuit of Excellence The Price of Success Exceptional Defying Mediocrity Loving Life Battle of the Wills Belief in Something Bigger Believing Bigger Driven Driven and Wisdom Inevitably Exceptional To Waste…

June 28, 2017

I hide like buried treasure in a field Until my splendid riches are revealed More precious than silver or gold Only for a price am I sold If you incline your ear and apply your heart too Only then will I reveal my secrets to you I am treasured by others Yet scorned by some…

Optimism, Faith
June 21, 2017

“Proof” that Optimism Doesn’t Work If you’ll recall, a few weeks ago I went to Speech and Debate Nationals. I poured everything I had into my Silence of God Speech. When I passed quarterfinals, my friends asked if I were surprised, and I said no. I knew I’d at least get past quarterfinals, and I…

Romantic Suspense
June 19, 2017

Genre: Romantic Suspense You’ll like this if you like: A Stubborn Heroine Requiring the Protection of a Hero, Mystery Involving Murder and the Heroine’s Past, or Cute FBI Agents. Cleanliness: She spends the night at his house for security purposes. Once, he holds her on the sofa as she’s crying. They do eventually kiss, but…

Faith, Peace
June 14, 2017

Sometime last year, I had a crush. It was a weird crush mainly because I didn’t want it. Though I liked this guy as a friend and loved talking to him, the idea of being in a relationship held no appeal whatsoever. Since I prided myself on my self-control and will-power (and still do), it…

Writing Prompt Paper Pen
June 9, 2017

I know some of my readers enjoy writing prompts, so today, I thought I’d give you guys a shot at making one. Have you ever thought of an amazing first line? Or a great story concept? Feel free to include them in the comments below. It’ll be fun to see what everyone comes up with!

Silence, God, Faith, Why is God silent?
June 7, 2017

A while ago, I was texting this guy. So begins many a teenage girl’s story. I’d asked a question, and I was waiting for his response. After thirty minutes, I began to worry. After several hours, I’d made a list of all the semi-reasonable possibilities for why he hadn’t replied. Maybe he was ignoring me….

Medieval Romance Book Giveaway
June 5, 2017

Genre: Medieval Romance You’ll like this if you like: Strong, Honorably, Formerly-Immoral Heroes, Adventure, or Hate-to-Love Romantic Relationships. Cleanliness: The heroine initiates a kiss with him at least twice, and the hero stops them from going too far both times. Hero Type: Brooding Favorite Profound Quote: “Learn from the past. Live in the present.” Favorite…