The King’s Cursed Bride Sneak Peek: Chapter 65

Elon nodded. “I did.”

His cool response set her blood boiling. She launched to her feet. “But… why? Why allow him to enter this room or see me like…this?” She gestured to her lingerie. “And why allow him to escape? He didn’t deserve to go free.”

Elon held his chin as he regarded her. “Carissa, I can’t always provide you with an answer for what happens, but trust me in that there is a purpose.”

She bit back a growl and paced across the marble. “Are there any other visitors that I should know about?”


She halted in front of him. “I just don’t see why you’d allow that. You told Akar you didn’t like your wife being called names or touched, but you knew that would happen, yet you did nothing to prevent it. You’re just as guilty of accosting me as he is.”

“Akar is still responsible for his actions.”

“And you’re responsible for yours.” She shook her head, trying to ignore the hurt creeping in. “I thought being your bride meant that you’d take care of me.” Tears pricked her eyes, and she glanced away.

“Of course it does, Carissa.” He rose to his feet. Though he stood less than an inch in front of her, he didn’t touch her. “I was there just as you needed me, wasn’t I?”

“You could have arrived earlier and never allowed it to happen in the first place. You could have posted guards outside. You could have paid the jailer to ensure Akar couldn’t have finagled his way out.”

“I could have, but I arrived when I did for a very specific purpose. You may think I should have come earlier, but I know the future, Carissa. My timing couldn’t have been better.” He wove his fingers with hers. “Trust me in this.”

She sighed. “What purpose, Elon? I don’t see it.”

“You didn’t trust me to defend you, and this was an opportunity to prove otherwise.”

She slipped her hand away from his to fold her arms. It seemed rather selfish of him to allow a creepy man into their bedroom—on their wedding night—just so he could show off. “Continue.”

“Akar came to destroy not who you are but who you will be. He fears your potential, as he should. If I hadn’t allowed him to come here, you would have no proof beyond my own words—which you have yet to learn to trust—that you’ll become what I say you will be.”

“And what is that?”

“A warrior.”

Read the Rest of the King’s Cursed Bride

Recent Comments

  • David Andersdon
    March 19, 2018 - 7:42 pm · Reply

    If we try to reason out everything, we will experience confusion and misery—but Proverbs 3:5-6 shows us a better way. “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” This sounds so simple, but most of the time, most of us make the mistake of trying to figure everything out ourselves when we need to “Lean not on our own understanding, but trust in Him..

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