Waiting For the Right Guy

Today, I’d like to share a few excerpts with you from the 2nd chapter in Hannah Duggan’s bible study, Dare Greatly. I don’t know about what you, but waiting grates on me. Waiting for anything–for my license, God, or the right guy. Before I dive ahead into my point, I’d like to share a passage in the bible study I found particularly encouraging:

“This is a precious season in your life, and one you won’t get to enjoy again. If you don’t have a boyfriend, you’re not a freak. It just means that God is giving you this time to focus on other areas of your life… If you haven’t met that person yet, then draw closer to your Savior every day and pray that He will continue to shape you into the woman that that godly man is waiting for. Regardless of where you’re at, high school is a season of waiting, and that’s okay.”

Last year, I was so sick and tired of waiting. I was only 16, and I knew that I was being ridiculous. Some people don’t meet the right person until they’re 10 years older than that–maybe more, but I still wanted a guy who I could share both important and insignificant moments with.

God’s taught me that there are seasons of life, each season coming with its own challenges and blessings, though sometimes I don’t see the blessings until later. High school is a very special season. Yes, there’s lots of waiting, but you also have the opportunity to prepare for what’s up ahead and to sketch a roadmap for your future. No matter what season you’re in, God has a purpose for it. If something–or someone–hasn’t entered your life yet, then that’s for a reason. Waiting is always worth it.

So, you probably don’t need me to tell you how hard it is to wait for things in high school. I’d imagine you already know this from your own experiences. Above, I said that an advantage to being in high school is that you have an opportunity to prepare. So how can you do that?

The List of Musts and Hopes

“Every girl should have two lists: a list of musts and a list of hopes. The list of musts is the serious list, the one that doesn’t change… Then I have my list of hopes. These aren’t deal-breakers but things I would like to see in a soul mate… When you know what’s important you’re less likely to be distracted.”

I would recommend making this list before you meet a guy you’re seriously interested in. That way, you’ll make sure the guy you currently like isn’t setting the standard for future guys. You don’t want to mold your list off of one guy. So what are a few of your musts and hopes? For some ideas, here are a few of my musts:

He must be intelligent and engaging.
He must be a guy I spiritually admire for his relationship with God.

My hopes are often a mix of shallow and sincere. Sometimes they’re a bit silly. For example:

I hope he knows martial arts.
I hope he has a six-pack.
I hope he’s not paler than I am–I’m really pale.

When making these list, try to keep this in mind: “It’s all too easy to be searching for the ‘perfect guy’ instead of a guy who is perfect for you.”

Now that you have your list, I’d like you to look at it and think about what you can emulate. For example, I’m going to do my best to be intelligent and engaging, since I want my future husband to be intelligent and engaging. Another question you should ask yourself: Who do you want to be by the time you’re married? Where should you be in your personal growth?

Aside from this, there’s nothing you can do but wait on God. Just remember:

“[God] has a beautiful future and a breathtaking love story ahead of you. But don’t rush ahead of Him.”

What are some of your musts and hopes? How do you need to grow before you’re ready to be with the right guy?

Recent Comments

  • The salty saltine
    December 9, 2016 - 8:14 am · Reply

    Great post! interesting………
    well the waiting I hope stopped by now 😉
    yeah its important to know what you want, you will be spending your life with (if its the right guy).
    I love how you mentioned there seasons, there are purposes.
    Waiting is not a popular opinion, glad you spoke about it.
    My list….
    * stronger, devoted, and admirable relationship with God. If he has that he would respect me, and lead well (pretty much your musts XD)

    Hopes (shallow):
    Lawyer, Doctor, Pastor, or singer as a profession. Or the future president of the United States (dreaming big! Jk that’s a joke)

    likes Musicals, Politics, Disney, and veggie tales.

    And most importantly have a beautiful singing voice, can play piano, and guitar.
    ^ that used to be in my musts XD

    oh forgot Musts: Same values, Spiritually and politically

    But yeah the Lord would take care of everything, I’m in no rush. maybe singleness is also an option… and its best to not lower standards too on the musts. My life is in His hands.
    Thanks again for the post.

    • Elizabeth Newsom
      December 14, 2016 - 12:21 am · Reply

      So glad you liked the post! You have a great list here.
      A beautiful singing voice as a Must, huh? 😉 I’m glad you demoted it. While you’re right on not lowering the standards for the Musts, I feel like it also needs to be said that you shouldn’t make a Hope a Must, because God might surprise you about some things.
      Thank you for the comment 🙂

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