YA Fantasy Romance Wattpad
August 2, 2019

Something sweet and sharp pierced Elon at her request, just as the fire within him blazed into an inferno. When he didn’t immediately react, she turned away, muttering something about “a wife’s needs” and how he should be the one begging her. A laugh burst from Elon as he turned her back toward him and…

YA Fantasy Romance Wattpad
July 31, 2019

Elon lead her within. There wasn’t much but a fireplace full of ash and a rotting bedframe. Drops of rain dribbled from the roof above. Elon seated her in the driest corner  he could find before tipping the bedframe on its side and dragging it outside. The wood wasn’t strong enough to support their weight,…

July 30, 2019

A few days ago, I got to unbox the first print copy of my soon-to-be-released Young Adult fantasy novel, Captive and Crowned. My family got to join me and look at the maps (which my sister designed) and the book cover. This was only a proof version, but the pre-order is available now on Amazon…

YA Fantasy Romance Wattpad
July 27, 2019

Carissa scrambled toward her discarded sword, and Elon’s heart stopped beating. She was headed toward the rest of the men, but if he wanted to help her, he’d first have to dispatch this one. He grabbed the man’s wrist, twisted it until he released his sword, and knocked the hilt of his dagger against the…

YA Fantasy Romance Wattpad
July 24, 2019

“Please come with us,” Carissa said. She could see the pity pouring into Dove’s eyes and was tempted to shake the woman. Elon wasn’t crazy; this was a matter of life of death. And yet Dove stood there, her polite smile barely showing her teeth, her hand patting Carissa’s shoulder as if she were the…

YA Fantasy Romance Wattpad
July 17, 2019

She unfolded the paper, resenting how her hands trembled. Finally, she set it on the bed so she could read it. Dearest Carissa, There’s a water mill at the edge of the town. Should you wish to meet me, I’ll remain there until dawn. Ever Yours, Elon She forced her lungs to expand, reminding herself…

July 11, 2019

First of all, all credit goes to Kiff Shaik for working so hard to get me these gorgeous designs. She’s absolutely amazing, and I adore the covers she designed. Draft 1: January, 2019 Kiff incorporated the diadem into the cover design (the compass rose symbol you see on the circlet in the final cover), since…

YA Fantasy Romance Wattpad
July 11, 2019

“Oh, lands! Look at the dirt beneath her fingers.” “And those gashes must be infected. See how black they are?” “Ladies, ladies, give her some room! She’s coming to.” Something cold touched Carissa’s cheek, and she startled. She peeled her eyelids back, and immediately regretted it as the glare from the evening sun stung her…

July 5, 2019

Two Days Later How she was still alive was beyond her. Carissa knew from her time in Zonah that the human body could be incredibly resilient, living on even when one was perpetually in pain. Each step was a miracle given how she could barely keep upright. She even doubted she’d have enough energy to…

July 3, 2019

The Next Night If it were possible, Carissa was even more tired this night than she had been the last. And Elon’s ominous warning had made her freeze every time a breeze raked through the forest, making leaves crinkle and branches clatter. She had tried to take some of the supplies from the previous camp,…